Wednesday, March 2, 2011

After Traveling and My first Night.

So I finally arrived in Las Vegas after 8 hours of traveling/ layovers...Am I thankful, of course. Was it it smooth, no, but who's keeping track.  I went to dinner with my Aunt Brenda and talked about my pursuit of happiness. That's what I'm calling this trip and what i do from here on out in life.  It's definitely not conventional to take time off from school to pursue mixed martial arts, but it makes me happy.  It's what gets me up in the morning, it's what I think about during the day, and its what I dream about at night. It's my driving force to say the least.  If you had the chance to possibly get paid to do what you love what would you do for it? 

PS- By not smooth I mean that I left my phone on the east coast before I got on a plane headed for the west coast....

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