Friday, April 1, 2011


^ That's how I feel right now, but I'm starting to cool off.  So long story short they wouldn't let me on my flight even though I had 25 min to get through security.  If I switch my ticket right now that'll cost me 150 bucks.  If I wait and try and catch the red eye it'll only set me back 50.  I can definitely live with 50 since I made 100 on with Black Jack last night.  Through out all my betting I've never had a night last night and at one point I was close to 200.  Either way with previous losses and the ticket factored in I broke even in that department.  Food wasn't really that bad since I cooked pretty much every single meal and I only took a cab once while I was here.  Past a few clothes, some small extras, and a couple nights out I didn't spend that much money.  I guess there were Mat fee's when I was testing out different places and the month membership at Robert Drysdale's, but it was definitely worth it.  I love Las Vegas, but I love Maryland too.  I feel like this could be the place to be, but well have to see in the next few months.  For now I really just wanna go home, but I have a 10 hour wait ahead of me. I could've gone back to my friend's place, but free WiFi was too tempting.  Pretty soon I'm gonna have to figure out my food situation, but I don't know if it'd be easier to have pizza delivered or to have a food court employee bring it to me for a fat tip. Hmmmmmmm either way I gotta figure that out soon since I haven't ate since this morning.

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