Friday, April 22, 2011

Genki Sudo "We Are All One"

So I'm still trying to get out of my slump, but I'm not quite there yet.  This has really been my lowest point in 3 months inspiration wise.  Last night while I was watching a documentary on Genki Sudo who's one of my favorite fighters I was inspired. I know this is about to be link overload, but I wouldn't post anything that I didn't think was important or at least had some entertainment value...  

So the first video is also a cellphone advertisement, but if you look past that you notice a much greater theme...UNITY! Genki Sudo's motto is "We Are All One"  he has this on a world flag that he brings to the ring every time he comes to fight.  Both videos have a handful of dancers that all act independently, but when you look at them together you see how they all work together to make something bigger and even more beautiful than anyone of them could be on their own.  These performances really touched me and I hope that you also take something positive away after seeing them.


And notice how they're traveling slowly together in an arrow formation... In my interpretation I thought Genki was trying to say that It might be a slow process at first, but if we all work together we can all get ahead. Just a thought.

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