Thursday, April 14, 2011

Life Grind.

So it's been a little while since I've really posted,  but I needed to get back into the real life routine so blogging took the back seat for awhile.  Anyways I came back and went right to Ground Control.  I went eight days straight in the gym with two practices one day before taking a day off.  It was nice seeing all familiar faces in practice again since I was completely on my own for a month at Drysdale's and Wand's.  Past that I'm still trying to figure out my living situation.  This is the month to decide if I'm moving to Vegas or moving within MD.  I really wanna stretch my wings and experience a completely different lifestyle than what I'm used to, but it's kinda across the country. That's a wholeeeeeee country between everyone I know and Everything I'm used to including having a mom. I'm a mama's boy at heart and I realized that even though she nags and whines most of the day I kinda don't mind it.  Trust me I don't want to be a 30 year old Oedipus leaving at home, but after 22 years what can I say the old lady grew on me. Moving to Vegas would probably mean only seeing her twice a year and possibly seeing people I know from MD even less.  I'm weighing my options and ironing out all the details, but I'll keep you all posted when I know more for sure.

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