Monday, May 30, 2011

Man Burgers and Jitsu Woes.

AAAHHHH what a nice end to a weekend! A little beach action, got some sun, made tons of Beef/Sausage Burgers with Jalapeño Peppers and Onions and Just ordered a Genki Sudo Shirt and the Green Monster Shirt from which I might add that they're pretty bad ass. Why so much fun and good times you ask??? Well It was pretty much  the only thing that could comfort me when I found out that I missed another Batch of limited edition Shoyoroll Gi's. The last time they released a batch I missed em too and then tried to get it on Ebay, but I got outbid at 255 while I was at practice(Blower to say the least)... The Americana Blue would've been my shit, but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be. Past that I got nothing, but Happy Memorial Day!

OOOOHHHH YYEEEAAAH I almost forgot to mention that I saw a cute girl at the grocery store that I know from back in the day and she was looking FINEEE.  I caught her eye'n me in my tank top and I went over to talk to her, but I couldn't remember her name for the life of me.  I was gonna see if she wanted to meet up sometime, but I realized how awkward that would be if I couldn't figure out her name and was forced to somehow trick her into letting me see her ID or something along those lines. Pretty much it was a bust, but oh well I tried.

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