Monday, May 16, 2011

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

I know the commercials aren't really around anymore, but I'm sure everyone remembers the tagline what would you do for a Klondike Bar?  Well last night I asked myself what would I do for Klondike bar.  I thought about it and considered the after math of a me, a lactose intolerant lover of diary consuming ice cream and figured that should be enough as far as payment goes.  About half way through my Neapolitan Klondike bar (chocolate, Vanilla and strawberry) my hands started getting a little bit sticky as my Klondike goodness started to melt so I went in to lick my fingers when the last half ( the strawberry half aka THE BEST PART) slipped out of the wrapper and onto the floor. After reviewing my rolladex of curse words in my head I settled for FUCKK FUCKKKKKKING MOTHER FUCKERRRR!!!!  Depressed, but not defeated I picked up my ice cream and checked my watch to see if I still had time, but  five seconds had already come and gone.  What would you do for a Klondike bar?? Cramps, sure.. Gas, why not everyone loves their own brand.. Eating ice cream that sat on the floor of my car for more than 5 seconds I will not!  Half of a Klondike bar for the wrath of milk was not what I had in mind when I signed up and at this point it was safe to say I was defeated..

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