Saturday, June 25, 2011


My baby
Hey so it's definitely been awhile and I have tons of updates and pictures from concerts, my beach trip and even a BJJ tournament I went to, but the most important update of them all is me getting my Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!  It took a year and six months of hard work and dedication to get it (training 5-7 days a week on average) on top of all my wrestling so I feel like I earned it to say the least.  It was such a great moment in my life one because this is what I do, I train and I work and one day I'll get paid to train so it was like taking a step closer to my eventual goal and two because it was the acknowledgement that I'm capable of representing my school and instructors against others competitors. Like as a white belt you could go to another school, get tapped out and your instructor will be like ok you beat one of my white belts good job, but as I belted member of a school instantly changes how your perceived by others and a certain amount of expectations follow.  It raises the stakes, but I enjoy having their faith in my abilities.  I was so pumped after getting it that I took the day off from work and then wore my Gi and Blue belt around the house for the rest of the day and if you promise not to tell anyone I even wore them to bed... Well technically speaking I passed out on the couch while watching Nick at Night, but  it is what it is.  Anyways that's all for now, but I'm officially back on my blog hustle so check back for more adventures and shenanigans.

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