Sunday, July 17, 2011

I feel like a blob.

I'm literally becoming depressed after two weeks of no training. I took two weeks of taking it light, then two weeks of nothing and here I am.  It's not really being depressed it's just feeling anxious because I feel like I'm not moving forward.  It's the double edge of being over committed to training.  It's really what I do, I work and I train so now I got work..PSSHHHHHHH f'ing work... I don't hate it because it pretty relaxed and I like most of the people I work with, but right now I'm taking pictures of our inventory.  Doesn't sound bad but were talking about the same three angles of an ATV axle over and over day after day.  Don't know how many weeks it's been but maybe a little over a month of the same three angles.  See where I'm coming from?? I mean it's money though and I get to listen to my ipod so I'm just trying to be thankful for the things I do have because without the ipod this wouldn't work. Hopefully I can start getting some form of exercise within the next upcoming weeks if my neck and back decide to cooperate.

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