Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Struggle.

Today I almost died... Well not quite, but my back and neck have been horrible jacked up so I've been staying....medicated. Anyways!  Yeah so while I was at work I got sick and threw up yadayadaydaaaa I went home and went into a coma here I am!  I've been in so much pain I can't even sleep because whenever I move it hurts and when I wake up each morning I wanna die. Today I woke up at 4 30 am and couldn't go back to sleep till seven so this is really starting to become a problem.  Hopefully I can see the doctor tomorrow and find out what's up. It's been three weeks of having a serious strain and on Saturday I got checked from behind at practice and that was pretty much the deal breaker. I Didn't really feel it at first, but then the next day when I woke up I couldn't move.  On top of that my niece moved my cell phone and I was cut off from the world for 72 hours. I can honestly say it was a welcomed vacation the first 6 hours then around 12 hours I was uneasy...by 36 hours I was broken and defeated...This is my struggle.

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