Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today's Struggle.

So I'm on my break from work right now and let me tell you a story about how sad life can be...Well today was the day we were gonna grill a full on baby lamb at work and it was going to be amazing!  I was actually looking forward to this for 2 weeks now that's 336 hours or 1,209,600 seconds of imagining how good today's lunch was gonna be... The news was broken to me around 10:03 am this morning that there would be no grilling of the baby lamb and my heart dropped.  Imagine showing up to school thinking you had a bad ass field trip to the aquarium and the teacher said it was canceled as soon as you walked in.  That was today's struggle and now I have to go back to work...#Mystruggle 

On top of that I didn't eat breakfast this morning so that I'd be extra hungry, but the only thing that went according to the plan was just being extra hungry at work.

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