Thursday, September 15, 2011


So it's been about a month or so since I posted and once again ( like always I'm back!) .  Technically speaking I never left, but during my injury time I just wanted to focus on getting to the next step aka moving to VEGAS!  It's been a little over a week since I arrived and I'm really just looking for a job each day and working out.  I haven't joined a new gym yet since I'm trying to get back in shape after the two month lay off, but in a week or two I should be able to hit the mats somewhere.  Either way I'll keep you updating as things progress!! PS 36 hours of driving from MD to NV was completely worth it, but F..UGE doing it again anytime soon!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


So today at work I asked my friend John if he wanted to hang out after work, but what I didn't remember was asking him if he wanted to see Transformers.  Later that day I saw Transformers and John calls me after he gets off work and I hit the ignore button and sent him a text saying " I'm in Transformers let me call you when I'm out." Yeahhhhh so about that one... Fortunatelly John wasn't mad unless posting "Paging Dr. Faggot" on my Facebook considered being mad?? Either way we hung out afterwards, but I definitely felt dumb.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I feel like a blob.

I'm literally becoming depressed after two weeks of no training. I took two weeks of taking it light, then two weeks of nothing and here I am.  It's not really being depressed it's just feeling anxious because I feel like I'm not moving forward.  It's the double edge of being over committed to training.  It's really what I do, I work and I train so now I got work..PSSHHHHHHH f'ing work... I don't hate it because it pretty relaxed and I like most of the people I work with, but right now I'm taking pictures of our inventory.  Doesn't sound bad but were talking about the same three angles of an ATV axle over and over day after day.  Don't know how many weeks it's been but maybe a little over a month of the same three angles.  See where I'm coming from?? I mean it's money though and I get to listen to my ipod so I'm just trying to be thankful for the things I do have because without the ipod this wouldn't work. Hopefully I can start getting some form of exercise within the next upcoming weeks if my neck and back decide to cooperate.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Floss like boss promo.

So I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed you know, brushing my teeth and washing my face.  When I was done I was about to leave the bathroom and I looked down at my feet and there was my dental floss...The crossroads.. to floss or not to floss and then I thought of all the times I lied to my dentist about how much I was flossing in between visits.  The worst part about it all is that when you lie to your dentist they can call your bluff as soon as you open up.  So yeah I took the extra few minutes to get my floss on so I can stop lying to my dentist. My advice to you is to do the same and fight plaque and bad breath.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Today's Struggle.

So I'm on my break from work right now and let me tell you a story about how sad life can be...Well today was the day we were gonna grill a full on baby lamb at work and it was going to be amazing!  I was actually looking forward to this for 2 weeks now that's 336 hours or 1,209,600 seconds of imagining how good today's lunch was gonna be... The news was broken to me around 10:03 am this morning that there would be no grilling of the baby lamb and my heart dropped.  Imagine showing up to school thinking you had a bad ass field trip to the aquarium and the teacher said it was canceled as soon as you walked in.  That was today's struggle and now I have to go back to work...#Mystruggle 

On top of that I didn't eat breakfast this morning so that I'd be extra hungry, but the only thing that went according to the plan was just being extra hungry at work.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pre Pac Man Mode.

If a doctor prescribes you Pain Killers and Muscle Relaxers wait till you're gone to start making only makes things awkward and then next thing you know they're trying to take it back and your running out screaming my precious.. Duly noted and lesson learned.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

GSP vs Diaz

Man if that ain't a hype video I don't know what is! I like GSP as a martial artist, but seriously how crazy would it be if Diaz knocked him out???

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