Tuesday, March 15, 2011

At least it's not Herpes.

Ok so I know this post isn't gonna get me any female fans, BUT I told you in my first post that I was gonna take you all along for the ride and guess what THIS is apart of the ride.... RINGWORM!!!!!! Yeah I'm aware I could also use some lotion, but I just got out the shower so get off my case! And just because I got the "worm" doesn't mean I'm not clean. Welll it does and it doesn't. Seriously I shower after morning classes, night classes and whenever I go out to run or workout. I'm really thinking it's all because of my shower gel. I KNEW something was sketchy about a 3 in 1 wash(shampoo,conditioner, and body wash), but I figured cutting cost and saving money was the way to go... lesson learned not with soap.

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