Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Speed Bump Redux!

Have you ever taken a shot to the nads only to get up and take repeat shot to the nads?? Well that was my day today! To start things off there was that training camp shenanigans and then to cap it off I missed Muay Thai tonight. When I walked in I was wondering why they started class early so I rushed to get my stuff on and this whole time I'm unaware that I'm being stared at (the new kid walks in and starts to strap up 5 min before the place closes..if you can't tell I'm slowly starting to look more and more retarded as things pan out). So right as I'm about to warm up the instructor asked me what I was planning on doing in the 5 min I had left and what time I thought it was. At first I was confused, but then It all clicked and I slowly started to realize that me and my roommates forgot to change the time for every single clock in the apartment. To sum it all up today was a complete waste of training minus my morning run. I only have 17 days left so I gotta make em count from here on out.

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