Monday, March 28, 2011

Best Day Hands Down.

Me, Evan Dunham, and Forrest Griffin.
Today was amazing!  This morning me, Kyle and Dwayne made a eggs, bacon and toast.  I normally just eat rice in the morning so it was a nice change to have some real "Sunday Morning" food.  After breakfast I went back to sleep for a little before practice and I ALMOST overslept. I'm so glad I didn't because When I walked into practice Forrest Griffin was warming up in the back.  He was talking to another guy in the back that looked familiar, but I couldn't put a name to the face until Forrest called him Evan.  He had been practicing here the past week and the whole time I knew I knew him, but do you really go up to someone and ask them if they're famous?? As soon as i processed the fact that I was about to practice with 2 legit UFC vets I was giddy like a school girl.  I instantly had to start telling myself to be cool and don't fanboy, but towards the end of practice I started positioning myself closer and closer to them till I was right next to them and I asked for a picture. "Fuck no! just kidding sure."  No lie that's what Forrest said without missing a beat.  It was definitely an unexpected treat to meet and train with UFC vets and Forrest really is as funny as they say.  Before I came to Vegas I just thought famous people were everywhere, but once I got here I was like where the hell are they??? This was my long awaited answer!

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