Sunday, March 27, 2011


So I didn't know it would be this long till I was able to get online, but like I said before the internet is pretty shotty here.  Anyways I'm really on the last leg of my trip now, only 5 more days not including today.  I've been sad about leaving for the past week, but when it comes down to it a lot can be done in 5 days when your're in Las Vegas.  I managed to start getting down to the vacation part of my trip the past week so I went out to some food places and checked out the night life.  One thing I forgot about the night life is that it doesn't end till about 4 or 5 am since the clubs don't close till 4.  We took advantage of that the other night when we went on the strip, but what my friends forgot to mention is that they don't allow re-entry after a certain time.  So around 3 am I headed out to this late night sandwich shop across the street (Johnny Mcguire's and it's open till 3ish 4ish! HIGHLY recommended) and grubbed on the best late night food I've had in awhile. After grub session I tried to get back into the  place and they wouldn't let me back in!!!  Good thing that food place was still open because getting two guys that have been drinking out of a club with a lot girls isn't easy.  About 20 min later we headed back to the apartment and if the casino didn't beat my wallet like a 1950's housewife earlier that night we would've detoured to Larry Flint's Gentlemen's Club, but sadly enough I didn't have the strength to make it rain.  Past that I've been training hard still, but the past week I just did morning sessions and ran a few miles at nighttime once it cooled down to keep my cardio up (rather than doing morning and night sessions).  Hmmm what else??? Oh yeah we bought about 150 pieces of Sidewalk chalk. No lie I've been making huge chalk gang graffiti murals LOL.  The other day I made a 5 by 5 West side Bloods Mural. I guess that's what happens when you have a lot of free time on your hands after a Gangland Marathon on Spike.  In my defense I've been doing my artwork on the deck of a 2nd story apartment so no one besides my roommates see them.  Yeah I know I have some interesting hobbies, but hey I try to enjoy myself as much as possible.  Anyways I don't know how the internet is gonna go this week, but I'll check back in when I can.

ps - I'm done with casinos! The roulette guy straight up told me I didn't place my bet where I did after he cleared the table, but you can't argue with a casino employee especially with my skin pigment or darker... No one wants to be the next Rodney King.

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