Friday, March 4, 2011

Finally some Jitsu!

Drysdale Jiu-Jitsu
So I wanted to take it easy my first full day in Vegas, but by the second day I was getting antsy. For anyone who hasn't done Brazilian Jiu Jitsu it's highly addictive and will consume most of your daily thought process when you're not doing it.  Anyways I got their schedule the night before while on a jog and prepared to be the new kid at school again. I got lost on the way there and found 20 bucks in a fast food parking lot so even if I got my ass kicked I was 20 bucks richer (yes, the glass is half full).  I finally got to the school and I introduced myself to a black belt from Hawaii named Sonny (who also looked like Ruffio striped hair included) and we started class. I'm always excited to roll with new people, but you don't want to be over excited and come off as cocky or overconfident. So I started off a little hesitant,but tried to stay open and fluid with my moves.  By the end of our 3 hours (90 min no gi, 90 min gi) I earned everyone's respect including Sonny's and a handful of upper belts.  After giving and taking some bumps and bruises I headed home home to rest.  I was physically beat and the three hour time difference had been affecting my sleep so I took a much needed nap.  Around six thirty I headed back to roll again. This time I was a little more confident and started working my moves, but once again it was a fair exchange of ass whoopin's. If I thought I was tired before I had no Idea because after a total of four hours of rolling over the course of the day I was DEAD.
 Robert Drysdale and I.

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