Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Last Leg.

Yooooooo!  It's been awhile, but I promise I've been working hard while I was gone. I had a great time hanging with my friend Kim who's also visiting from Maryland.  Me and Kim love eating out at random food places so we ate at a Japanese place one day and a Hawaiin BBQ place the next( no camera cjhsfacjga!!!!).  I wish I could've shared the magic with you, but you're just gonna have to take my word for it when I say it was orgasmic... I finally got my phone back too so that was a pretty big change (20 days w/o), but seriously I really enjoyed the time away from it.  I could've had it mailed to me sooner and I was, but then I thought why not just go off the grid? So I guess starting a blog, using Facebook, and playing PS3 isn't what you would traditionally call going off the grid, but I'm winging it here!  Anyways I just got back from a run around the block and later on tonight I'm gonna go to BJJ at Drysdale Jiujitsu.  This last week I'm probably gonna tone back a little and enjoy Vegas a little more and so I can jump back into training as soon as I get back to MD. Vegas  has been a great experience so far and I'm sad to say it'll end in 11 days. As for the previously promised Wand goodies that'll have to wait till I get home and get a better connection or maybe the internet will improve, but who knows. I'd also like to share that the past Sunday was without incident with the people downstairs.  I thought things were gonna go down, but they stopped blasting their music.. Which was good because ironically I was about to bring the noise.

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