Friday, March 18, 2011


So I've been dead over the past few days.  Last night I sparred with am/pro Muay Thai fighters and that was a humbling experience to say the least.  I  definitely showed my skill and showed even more heart, but some of these guys ran through me. We did 12 3 min rounds with 45 second breaks in between switching partners each round.  That's 36 min of straight Thai with barely any down time.  Sometimes I was really on the ropes just taking shots trying to weave in and out only to have my legs kicked from under me. It's give and take each day out here, but it keeps me hungry.  On top of that I've had a lot of internet problems so I haven't been able to get on or post videos  (really slow connection).  Anyways that was last night, but the night before that I went to Wanderlei Silva's gyms and it was AMAZING.  Their instruction was quality and their facility was the best gym I've seen.  They had an area for BJJ, Muay Thai, weights ( like a full on gym), a full size cage , an altitude training room and a PING PONG TABLE!!! Wow that's a mouth full and yes I'm still pumped about the Ping Pong table! It happens to be something a really enjoy and also something I don't get to do that often.  Anyways I met some really cool people out there including some of their fighters and they had nothing, but great things to say about Wand and his program.  The only thing that was missing was WAND!  It's a 20 dollar cab ride and a 25 dollar mat fee so it's almost fifty bucks to train for a day so hopefully next time he'll be there.  Anyways one of my best friends Kim arrived in Vegas Yesterday and we were supposed to go to Vegas in August, but she couldn't make it so it's been a few months in the making.  A guy who I train with (Topaz) is also out here training so hopefully I'll be able to get up with him too.  I would add some pictures of his gym and vegas, but the internet is about to die on me again so I guess I owe you one.

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