Saturday, April 2, 2011

6 am Zombie.

So anyone getting off a plane at 6 in the monring with 3 hour jet lag is gonna be confused and disoriented. I was confused enough to walk around Atlanta international for a good 20 min without a purpose.  Stumbling around for 20 minutes led me to Dunkin Doughnuts, which then led me to a large coffee and a much more frantic state of confusion. I Finally figured out where I needed to be  with the help of a nice old lady (who actually knew what was going on), BUT once I got there I found out that my gate switched back to my original ish location...  At this point I just let the little old lady go on autopilot and followed her back to my gate on the other side of the airport.  In 5 mins I learned where she was from, who she's with, where she just came from, where she's going, where she lives and her daughters name and location. Yeah I know I could really stalk the hell out of her after getting everything except her social, but I'm gonna skip on the eventual restraining order.  Either way there's this guy sitting in front of me that I just realized was a me it's awkward trying to check someone out to only find out they're a guy. Actually it probably wasn't as awkward for me as it was for him...  ON TO THE NEXT ONE!! Just kidding, but my planes about to leave so I'll post later once I get home.

Coincidentally I was still at the wrong gate while writing this (more than one plane heading to Baltimore around the same time).

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