Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back in Hoco.

So it's been a month since I've been home and I definitely missed my people, but it's different.  Like I said I still have love for them, but it's not about them as much as it used to be.  I realized awhile ago that you have to be selfish to a degree when you're trying to make it as an adult.  It's all about friends and fun when you're younger and at one point you gotta ask yourself what's really important.  I decided my future was more important than playing around, but it didn't really take full effect till I was in Vegas for a month without a cellphone training pretty much everyday.  Once I got my phone I called some people and shot the shit with them, but past that it was all about me and what I'm trying to do.  You have to keep it in perspective though like you can't drop people that have been there for you just because you wanna grow up. In the past they held me up when I couldn't stand on my own feet and they will help me in the future if stumble. They are my support system and they are a part of me and I am part of them.  Weeds get tangled when they try to grow and are  too close together, but when you have well kept garden everything flourishes.

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