Thursday, May 5, 2011


Freshness in Gi form.
OH CRUEL WORLD WHERE ARE MY RAINBOW SPATS!!!!  I've been using the tracking number to follow them across the country and today the USPS site said that they were delivered at 1:06 PM. Instantly my eyes flashed over to the clock, 2:30 pm. I throw my blanket off, hop outta bed, run downstairs, and rip open the door to find NO SPATS!!!  I honestly cried a little bit, but I headed back upstairs to nap.  I was positive that by the time I woke up the postman would stop playing with my emotions and bring my spats already, but once again this wasn't the case...Blown to say the least.  I also ordered a new blue Gi with white stitching from Hybrid Gi's this week too so tomorrow might be the greatest day ever if they both come on the same day. AND I got an extra pair of white Gi pants that I plan on getting hemmed so that I'll have Gi shorts! Trust me I'm excited too!!! AHHHHHHH it's like guessing it's Christmas Eve without a calendar if that makes sense, but I really hope that tomorrow's Christmas.  These Gi's were on sale for 149.99 (originally189.99), but previously there was also a buy one get one half off deal that I didn't see. So my friend emailed them and they said they'd hook us up so it came out to 120 with shipping or something amazing like that.  New Gi, New spats and a Matt Hughes Seminar on Saturday afternoon I think that might equal a Christmas and a half, but who's counting.

Big badass patch to go on the back of my Gi.

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