Thursday, May 5, 2011


And the Slomo Replay...

I was also 4 for 5 on my UFC bets.  Between Henderson, Diaz, Machida, Aldo and GSP Diaz was the only one who didn't take the W like I hoped. I also wanna give a shout out Steven Segal , KTFO Kick's, and the Black House Brazilian connect.... Word.


WHAT WAS WITH GSP SPITTING WATER ALL OVER HIMSELF IN BETWEEN ROUNDS???? I'm a GSP fan, but it seemed odd that he would choose to spit his water all over himself rather than spitting into his bucket multiple times throughout the fight. If I was trying to find a way to cheat against a really good grappler I would definitely try and find a way to lube myself up, but that's if I was trying to cheat...

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