Monday, March 14, 2011

Speed Bump.

So today was gonna be my first time back at Drysdale's since I got sick, but when I got there I found out there was a schedule change. That wasn't really an issue, but what was the issue was that the class that's been thrown in there is 300 DOLLARS! When I signed up they failed to tell me that in the third week of March there would be an overly expensive Pan Am Games Training Camp! Hell That's what the new name could be, An Overly Exspensive Pan Am Games Training Camp or 2 Arm's and a Leg Training Camp. I sure either would work just fine, but the second one has such a nice flow to it. I'm even positive Rumpelstiltskin has better deals than that! Anyways I can still get in a lot of Muy thai and I guess just less BJJ this week unless I finally decide to hop on the bus and go to Tapout or Wanderlei's gym. Who know's, but sorry about the rant...Here's the schedule I know it's hard to read but I normally can go to Gi BJJ, No Gi BJJ and Muay Thai in the mornings and then at night time it alternates between Gi and No Gi (Muay Thai every night. There's also only morning classes Saturday and the gym's closed Sunday). Now that this camp's going on it knocks out one morning class a day and all BJJ night classes.

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