Thursday, April 28, 2011


This is simply amazing. The trash talking alone is worth 5 minutes of your life.  These two obviously have an incredibly bright future in MMA... But on a serious note Shogun Fight's IV will be taking place this Saturday night @ First Mariner Arena in Baltimore, MD so if you're in the area you should come support local fighters from PA, DE, VA, DC and MD.

Black Shinya Aoki.

New Scramble Rainbow Spats

To rock or not to rock that is the question...

The man has style to say the least.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Shrek Ears.


My ear's after a decade of Grappling.  I had surgery on the right one after a really bad case of Cauliflower Ear and I've had 2 minor cases on the left in the past. Right now would be the 3rd mini case for my left ear.  I know it looks gross and all, but I don't really mind it since I don't have to look at them.  

Black and Yellow Black and Yellow.

Mama's Curry over rice.

Midnight Rice ball with salt, seaweed, and sesame.

So after eating rice everyday multiple times a day for a month straight you'd think I'd be sick of rice right? Not really rice is my shit and it goes with EVERYTHING!  Either way I got my Asian on last night with some of my Mom's Beef and Vegetable Curry.  It's bangin if anyone says otherwise the're a fucking liar. Ok ok so that was too intense(never too intense), but it's true that not a single person has ever disliked her curry.

Passed out and rolled onto my rice ball leftovers.

Monday, April 25, 2011

UFC 129!

UFC 129 is gonna be such a great night!  I don't know much about the guys on the under card, but there's gonna be a Bantam and a Feather weight match on it and I gotta cheer for the smaller guys.  On the main card we have GSP vs Jake Shields,  Jose Aldo vs Mark Homminick, and Lyoto Machida vs Randy Cotoure for the big fights of the night (2 of which are title fights). All these guys have been champs UFC or Strikeforce Champs with the exception of homminick.  Ben Henderson is even making his UFC debut against Mark Bocek after losing his WEC title.  My predictions for the big three are GSP, Aldo, Machida.

Strike through bold combo #4.

So in my last post I didn't have a word in Bold or a word with a Strike through it.  I don't know if anyone was around for when I started writing this thing, but I really like both of these buttons and I use them in every post. Well every post except for the last and for that I'd like to apologize because I know everyone loves seeing them as much (if not more) as I enjoy using them.  For the record I plan on having them in EVERY post from this day forward and currently I have no official plans for underlining or Italics in the near future.

ps -  I would apologize for this being completely pointless, but I'm very passionate about the personal touches of my blog.

Blog Template.

I guess this will do for now, but I really don't like that panel going across the top with business, Downloads and all those Shenanigans.  Definitely should have got someone who knew what they were doing to make my blog look better.  I'll probably try out a few new looks over the next couple of days.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I messed up my layout and now I feel like I'm about to throw up for some reason. I gotta lay down, but when I'm not about to die we'll look better than before. If I don't come back avenge my death!

Friday, April 22, 2011


I used to always make a wish every time I noticed it was eleven eleven.  I would always wish to be happy, but then one day I noticed I am happy.  A lot of people don't even realize when they have something going for them. It's always about wanting more, which isn't necessarily bad, but you have to acknowledge what you have and be thankful for it. Breathe it in and hold it deep because times aren't always gonna be good, but you'll always have that memory of when it was. They say if you make a wish and tell someone what you wished for it won't come true so here's to wishing that we'll all never be happy =)

Genki Documentary.

Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3



Genki Sudo "We Are All One"

So I'm still trying to get out of my slump, but I'm not quite there yet.  This has really been my lowest point in 3 months inspiration wise.  Last night while I was watching a documentary on Genki Sudo who's one of my favorite fighters I was inspired. I know this is about to be link overload, but I wouldn't post anything that I didn't think was important or at least had some entertainment value...  

So the first video is also a cellphone advertisement, but if you look past that you notice a much greater theme...UNITY! Genki Sudo's motto is "We Are All One"  he has this on a world flag that he brings to the ring every time he comes to fight.  Both videos have a handful of dancers that all act independently, but when you look at them together you see how they all work together to make something bigger and even more beautiful than anyone of them could be on their own.  These performances really touched me and I hope that you also take something positive away after seeing them.


And notice how they're traveling slowly together in an arrow formation... In my interpretation I thought Genki was trying to say that It might be a slow process at first, but if we all work together we can all get ahead. Just a thought.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Finally solved that Problem.

Just changed my Timezone from Pacific to Eastern...  I don't even know what's all included in the Pacific Timezone without Goggling it, but that's been my blog's Timezone since I made it.  I feel retarded for taking two months to change that.


I also just learned how to post YouTube videos correctly. Before they were all awkwardly placed and didn't fit, but now they fit perfectly.


For the record I couldn't do this a month or two ago.  I saw it on Youtube and three days later I was a Super Saiyajin.  REAL TALK PLAYA!!

Leggo My Eggo #s

Apparently this means that I have a waffle (>'_')>#....I don't know why I never knew how to make a Kirby holding a waffle with a keyboard, but there you go.  I really don't have a # sooooo (;_;) LOL, but seriously it's 4:30 in the morning and I gotta go back to (Z.Z).

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Life Grind.

So it's been a little while since I've really posted,  but I needed to get back into the real life routine so blogging took the back seat for awhile.  Anyways I came back and went right to Ground Control.  I went eight days straight in the gym with two practices one day before taking a day off.  It was nice seeing all familiar faces in practice again since I was completely on my own for a month at Drysdale's and Wand's.  Past that I'm still trying to figure out my living situation.  This is the month to decide if I'm moving to Vegas or moving within MD.  I really wanna stretch my wings and experience a completely different lifestyle than what I'm used to, but it's kinda across the country. That's a wholeeeeeee country between everyone I know and Everything I'm used to including having a mom. I'm a mama's boy at heart and I realized that even though she nags and whines most of the day I kinda don't mind it.  Trust me I don't want to be a 30 year old Oedipus leaving at home, but after 22 years what can I say the old lady grew on me. Moving to Vegas would probably mean only seeing her twice a year and possibly seeing people I know from MD even less.  I'm weighing my options and ironing out all the details, but I'll keep you all posted when I know more for sure.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Photo dump 2...or 3??

Best cereal to take a picture of hands down.

mount fruity pebble

Food is a source of comfort =0

The essentials.. Don't worry it's alcohol free


Hello Kitty

Panda bear in a strawberry next to a heart??

Batz Maru

King Kitty??

Palm Jr.

Palm tree's get haircuts every two weeks in Vegas.

Red Rock


Not so Ballin

Wayne and Kyle aka The Roommates

Riding Clean pt. 2

Riding Clean pt. 2

PS3/Black Box of Pleasure

New Favorite Shirt

#3 Looks illegal in the US

I read EVERY page while stuck in the airport for hours!

Head in the Clouds.

Never Forget

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back in Hoco.

So it's been a month since I've been home and I definitely missed my people, but it's different.  Like I said I still have love for them, but it's not about them as much as it used to be.  I realized awhile ago that you have to be selfish to a degree when you're trying to make it as an adult.  It's all about friends and fun when you're younger and at one point you gotta ask yourself what's really important.  I decided my future was more important than playing around, but it didn't really take full effect till I was in Vegas for a month without a cellphone training pretty much everyday.  Once I got my phone I called some people and shot the shit with them, but past that it was all about me and what I'm trying to do.  You have to keep it in perspective though like you can't drop people that have been there for you just because you wanna grow up. In the past they held me up when I couldn't stand on my own feet and they will help me in the future if stumble. They are my support system and they are a part of me and I am part of them.  Weeds get tangled when they try to grow and are  too close together, but when you have well kept garden everything flourishes.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

6 am Zombie.

So anyone getting off a plane at 6 in the monring with 3 hour jet lag is gonna be confused and disoriented. I was confused enough to walk around Atlanta international for a good 20 min without a purpose.  Stumbling around for 20 minutes led me to Dunkin Doughnuts, which then led me to a large coffee and a much more frantic state of confusion. I Finally figured out where I needed to be  with the help of a nice old lady (who actually knew what was going on), BUT once I got there I found out that my gate switched back to my original ish location...  At this point I just let the little old lady go on autopilot and followed her back to my gate on the other side of the airport.  In 5 mins I learned where she was from, who she's with, where she just came from, where she's going, where she lives and her daughters name and location. Yeah I know I could really stalk the hell out of her after getting everything except her social, but I'm gonna skip on the eventual restraining order.  Either way there's this guy sitting in front of me that I just realized was a me it's awkward trying to check someone out to only find out they're a guy. Actually it probably wasn't as awkward for me as it was for him...  ON TO THE NEXT ONE!! Just kidding, but my planes about to leave so I'll post later once I get home.

Coincidentally I was still at the wrong gate while writing this (more than one plane heading to Baltimore around the same time).

Drysdale Part 2

Drysdale Part 3

Drysdale Part 1 (Black belt that was coaching me in Vegas)

Friday, April 1, 2011


Wanderlei Silva's MMA!
Outside in the Parking Lot.
They even have a store, but you can't see it.

One Of The Essentials.
They pretty much have a WHOLE gym inside their gym.

Hanging Bag Area.

Full Cage.

Wand's Art Side

Also Wand's Art Side??


^ That's how I feel right now, but I'm starting to cool off.  So long story short they wouldn't let me on my flight even though I had 25 min to get through security.  If I switch my ticket right now that'll cost me 150 bucks.  If I wait and try and catch the red eye it'll only set me back 50.  I can definitely live with 50 since I made 100 on with Black Jack last night.  Through out all my betting I've never had a night last night and at one point I was close to 200.  Either way with previous losses and the ticket factored in I broke even in that department.  Food wasn't really that bad since I cooked pretty much every single meal and I only took a cab once while I was here.  Past a few clothes, some small extras, and a couple nights out I didn't spend that much money.  I guess there were Mat fee's when I was testing out different places and the month membership at Robert Drysdale's, but it was definitely worth it.  I love Las Vegas, but I love Maryland too.  I feel like this could be the place to be, but well have to see in the next few months.  For now I really just wanna go home, but I have a 10 hour wait ahead of me. I could've gone back to my friend's place, but free WiFi was too tempting.  Pretty soon I'm gonna have to figure out my food situation, but I don't know if it'd be easier to have pizza delivered or to have a food court employee bring it to me for a fat tip. Hmmmmmmm either way I gotta figure that out soon since I haven't ate since this morning.

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