Monday, May 30, 2011

Shirt Links.

Just ordered these bad boys..

The Green Red Monster Shirt.

Genki Sudo 4th Dimension!

I believe
 the common term
among the youth is SICEDDDDD!!!

Man Burgers and Jitsu Woes.

AAAHHHH what a nice end to a weekend! A little beach action, got some sun, made tons of Beef/Sausage Burgers with Jalapeño Peppers and Onions and Just ordered a Genki Sudo Shirt and the Green Monster Shirt from which I might add that they're pretty bad ass. Why so much fun and good times you ask??? Well It was pretty much  the only thing that could comfort me when I found out that I missed another Batch of limited edition Shoyoroll Gi's. The last time they released a batch I missed em too and then tried to get it on Ebay, but I got outbid at 255 while I was at practice(Blower to say the least)... The Americana Blue would've been my shit, but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be. Past that I got nothing, but Happy Memorial Day!

OOOOHHHH YYEEEAAAH I almost forgot to mention that I saw a cute girl at the grocery store that I know from back in the day and she was looking FINEEE.  I caught her eye'n me in my tank top and I went over to talk to her, but I couldn't remember her name for the life of me.  I was gonna see if she wanted to meet up sometime, but I realized how awkward that would be if I couldn't figure out her name and was forced to somehow trick her into letting me see her ID or something along those lines. Pretty much it was a bust, but oh well I tried.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Trifecta no Effecta.

I'm officially done with Trifectas!  Every single time I announce one of my trifecta's it ALWAYS backfires.  So last night was the night of the Underdog Trifecta where I bet on Demetrius Johnson, Roy "Big Country" Nelson and Matt Hamill and only one of my calls was actually on point (Johnson).  I pride myself on my MMA nerdiness and ability to call fights, but last night I went against the norm and only went with'ers are underdogs for a reason!!  Either way I'm glad Rampage beat Matt Hamill because after the fight he gave some of the most memorable/awkward interviews in recent memory.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I heard this on the radio when I was driving home from practice and it just hit me! The beat bumps and the words speak to me so maybe you'll enjoy it too.... 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chili Cook Off!

Weezer - Island In The Sun

Papa Roach - Last Resort

Weezer - Hash Pipe

Weezer - I Want You To/ Buddy Holly

Weezer - Say It Ain't So

Weezer - My Name Is Jonas

Panic At The Disco - 9 In The Afternoon

Crowd Surf Fail

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Death Clutch By Brock Lesnar.

First 50 pages of Brock Lesnar's Book...FOR FREE!

I've only read 2 pages so far and who know's if it's gonna be good, but the idea of hooking the fans up with a FREE 50 pages preview is great idea!

Remember This???

Seriously this was one of the best fight promos I've ever seen! I remember how pumped I was for this and even now I'm still a little excited even though I've seen the fight.  I don't know how many people have seen the UFC's most recent promo, but it really pales in comparison to this. ENJOY!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pros vs Joes.

UGGGGHHHHHH I really really don't like most mma fans.  Actually I shouldn't say something so broad, but I seriously get annoyed with people.  I was doing my nightly mma reading and I came across an article about more John Jones and Rashad Evans beef and that wasn't anything out of the normal, but the comments were outrageous...

"Jones acts all humble in the media, but in all reality he is a fake! I don't like Evans, but I hope he derails this cocky son of a b****."
The reality is that you don't know him and you've probably never had a conversation with the man nor will you in the future.

"hahahahaha rashad im gonna annihilate you, i bet rashad left the corner and wanted to cry since he didnt get the apology he was expecting."
If the show Pros vs Joes taught me anything it's that everyone has two cents until it's time to put you're money where your mouth is.  It's not wrong to have an opinion, but there's a reason why someone's getting paid thousands of dollars to compete instead of talking trash behind an screen name.

Other things that I dislike about MMA Fans...
- Affliction enough said.
- Douches that think they can beat you up because they drink muscle milk.
- Douches that think they can beat you up because they took a free month of BJJ.
- People that criticize fighters for not risking their personal safety to win.

Don't get me wrong about the last one I love a good exciting fight just as much as the next guy and I love it when people really get after it, but if a fighter is winning and there's only a round left it's the other guys job to try and do something about it.  Holding someone down for a 5 min dry hump isn't what I'm referring to either, but smart fighting is smart fighting (smart fighting doesn't equal stalling in case anyone was wondering). Anyways sorry about the late night rant, but I had to vent.

Monday, May 16, 2011

On a britghter more halarious note...

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

I know the commercials aren't really around anymore, but I'm sure everyone remembers the tagline what would you do for a Klondike Bar?  Well last night I asked myself what would I do for Klondike bar.  I thought about it and considered the after math of a me, a lactose intolerant lover of diary consuming ice cream and figured that should be enough as far as payment goes.  About half way through my Neapolitan Klondike bar (chocolate, Vanilla and strawberry) my hands started getting a little bit sticky as my Klondike goodness started to melt so I went in to lick my fingers when the last half ( the strawberry half aka THE BEST PART) slipped out of the wrapper and onto the floor. After reviewing my rolladex of curse words in my head I settled for FUCKK FUCKKKKKKING MOTHER FUCKERRRR!!!!  Depressed, but not defeated I picked up my ice cream and checked my watch to see if I still had time, but  five seconds had already come and gone.  What would you do for a Klondike bar?? Cramps, sure.. Gas, why not everyone loves their own brand.. Eating ice cream that sat on the floor of my car for more than 5 seconds I will not!  Half of a Klondike bar for the wrath of milk was not what I had in mind when I signed up and at this point it was safe to say I was defeated..

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mini Photo dump 3 and 3 quarters.

4 Billion organisms die every time I drink this..Seriously.

OG with the Live strong Halo!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Note to Self.

I'm starting to dislike these fake buttons at the top of my screen. I gotta get on top of making real buttons in the next week or so. Maybe some general spring cleaning if I can pay off my resident Asian computer nerd to do it for me..

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Heart of a Champion.

"When your body hurts wrestle with your head
When your head hurts wrestle with your heart and your heart will never fail you..."

Kazushi Sakuraba was apart of my original MMA experience when I was younger. I remember hearing about "The Gracie Hunter" and I thought he was amazing.  There was so much aura for a wide eyed kid to fall in love with.  The quote at the start of this post was told to me as a freshman during my first year of HS wrestling and I feel like Saku embodies this quote to a tee.  He's a true champion with an iron will to win at all cost. This video shows his determination to win and I hope I can be at least half as tough as he is.

Mothers Day!

Matt Hughes and I.  I asked him if he would rep Wutang and he denied me, but I still  threw the "W".

Happy Mother's day to all the mothers out there! I Got my mother and sister flowers and cards, but my mom had an extra special surprise.  Now I know that most mothers don't care about the UFC and even more don't know who Matt Hughes is.  Well my mom doesn't fall into either one of those categories and it was pretty cool getting Matt Hughes to sign her mother's day card.  I'm not one of those people that just discovered martial arts as a result of UFC. Martial arts are something I've been doing since I was young so this year's card really screams Bryce.  Like I know it doesn't seem that cool to everyone else, but to me it is and this is one of those cards that she's gonna keep till she's an old lady.  I love my mama dukes and I should tell her that every day, but I don't so it's nice to let her know how I feel every now and then.


THE RAINBOW SPATS HAVE ARRIVED!!!  Trust me I feel kinda weird wearing multicolored spandex, but you gotta throw caution to wind and go for it!  I got my Hybrid Gi on the same day too so I was pumped.  Ill have to post pics later, but for now that's all.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


And the Slomo Replay...

I was also 4 for 5 on my UFC bets.  Between Henderson, Diaz, Machida, Aldo and GSP Diaz was the only one who didn't take the W like I hoped. I also wanna give a shout out Steven Segal , KTFO Kick's, and the Black House Brazilian connect.... Word.


WHAT WAS WITH GSP SPITTING WATER ALL OVER HIMSELF IN BETWEEN ROUNDS???? I'm a GSP fan, but it seemed odd that he would choose to spit his water all over himself rather than spitting into his bucket multiple times throughout the fight. If I was trying to find a way to cheat against a really good grappler I would definitely try and find a way to lube myself up, but that's if I was trying to cheat...


Freshness in Gi form.
OH CRUEL WORLD WHERE ARE MY RAINBOW SPATS!!!!  I've been using the tracking number to follow them across the country and today the USPS site said that they were delivered at 1:06 PM. Instantly my eyes flashed over to the clock, 2:30 pm. I throw my blanket off, hop outta bed, run downstairs, and rip open the door to find NO SPATS!!!  I honestly cried a little bit, but I headed back upstairs to nap.  I was positive that by the time I woke up the postman would stop playing with my emotions and bring my spats already, but once again this wasn't the case...Blown to say the least.  I also ordered a new blue Gi with white stitching from Hybrid Gi's this week too so tomorrow might be the greatest day ever if they both come on the same day. AND I got an extra pair of white Gi pants that I plan on getting hemmed so that I'll have Gi shorts! Trust me I'm excited too!!! AHHHHHHH it's like guessing it's Christmas Eve without a calendar if that makes sense, but I really hope that tomorrow's Christmas.  These Gi's were on sale for 149.99 (originally189.99), but previously there was also a buy one get one half off deal that I didn't see. So my friend emailed them and they said they'd hook us up so it came out to 120 with shipping or something amazing like that.  New Gi, New spats and a Matt Hughes Seminar on Saturday afternoon I think that might equal a Christmas and a half, but who's counting.

Big badass patch to go on the back of my Gi.

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